
Falling Behind

You can disappear for two weeks, be a mindless corpse walking each step thudding against the concrete floor.

Come back, opening your eyes to the world around you.

Feel like vanishing all over again. 


Why come back when it feels like a flood, pushing and pulling,

holding you below the surface; not allowed to have air until you are already washed down the stream.

Be pulled back into the ocean to lay still and disappear.


The phrase: I am tired and uninspired have been defining your every moment. 

Go through the week not having an emotion.

Only to get to the weekend where you clog your mind with drink and smoke.


You do these things that can kill you and sometimes you hope they do.

The drink attacks your already broken heart, blood thickens like tar and you\'re in slow motion while everything moves so fast

The smoke you inhale eases your aching mind, your vision hazy; makes seeing reality easier.


The world feels like its spinning so fast and yet you are moving so slow.

There are weights attached to your feet, your legs, your arms, your hands, your neck.

Motion sickness is controlling you now.


All you see is black, white and the monster of life is after you.

Glued to the floor unable to run, life is six feet in front of you.

Oh, how you wish you were six feet under.


A lonely voice whispers to you.

The world freezes,

A blackened heart beats again.