
Nine Pictures and a Few Videos

Nine pictures and a few videos

This is all I have left of you

On the day I had to see you go into the ground, I played back videos just to hear your voice


I wanted to hate you for your unfair choice

Everyday I opened your messages trying to find the right thing to say

As time passed I knew there was nothing I could do for you to stay


They told me you left with a smile on your face

They told me your off in a better place

I guess I depended on you just as much as you depended on me


Tell me now

Are you free?

Are you free from her ?

Are you free from them?

Are you free from me?


You were already gone by the time I decided I found the right words

I had no idea, it was a regular day waking up to the birds


All you ever asked was for me to do your hair

My heart is consuming me

I should have been there


Remember me as the friend you left on your birthday

Please forget me the way you left me


I will remember you as my friend who always cared

I will remember the moments I took for granted but that’s something we will forever share


Nine pictures and a few videos

Yes it is so