
Encouraging Expressions (In praise of MPS)

Tune: Doncaster

(\'Put thou thy trust in God\')

Based on Matthew 5 v.14-16


A poem every day?

Or sometimes is the way

To ponder, meditate a while

\'Til further thoughts compile


And what may  your theme be?

Varied words true and free

What from your heart and mind you share?

A word, thought, song, or prayer?


Let the Spirit you guide

And not now His light hide

Your style unique, none be the same

No other by that name


\'Tis your compilation

Each poem, ode, each one

Sharing your gifts, contributing

Poems we say or sing


What genres do we tend?

What positions defend?

What be our desires, let the writs

Be scribed as each befits


So pleasures, joys, and pains

All human life again

Poetically expressed, we be

A fine community