A Boy With Roses


My finger is on the trigger 

The pistol shoots, in strips of white 

The stem sprites like the outworn night crawls

Away from the shoal

Into the black cracks, away from the bling

I throw away things like they\'re pap 

I do it all the time


I couldn\'t be anymore candid 

Like the Statue of David

Seen Pythagoras of Samian 

The Shahmaran

A rubberband, too deep in the art

I\'m the dust collected on a bookshelf 

I haven\'t seen the sun in God knows how long 

It\'s a night time illusion, a famous lie 

Like the tryst with hope 

Or the scythe through the grass 

The Cailleach\'s running from the Zodiac 

Saying, \"Abracadabra!\"


I briskly left the library in a hurry

It was like Jumanji 

I forgot my vocabulary

I froze, it felt like infinity

Stirring the curry 

In this Hell house, I\'ve lived and died 

Like needlework or the Algebra

I\'m mirthless, a motheaten desk 

Watching a punk rock band 

On the Old Grey Whistle Test 

Tripping the light fantastic

I can\'t wait to dream

Something epic like Dante.