Kurt Philip Behm

With The Dawn (+2)

No matter what you say

No matter what you do

It only matters that you care

And one plus one leaves two


Proof beyond the pudding

Truth beyond the facts

Whose promise rises with the dawn

As love keeps coming back


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2020)



Slimmer Than None


Arguing with the Muse,

spirit abused


Arguing with the Muse,

always refused


Arguing with the Muse,

soul to confuse


Arguing with the Muse

—destined to lose


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2020)




 Till Lightning Splits


Thy self a grand impostor,

what other people see


A bark that hides what fate ingrains,

a cover that deceives


It’s others held opinion,

that pulp you hide behind


Till lightning splits your trunk in two

—the roots left undefined


(Ronald McDonald House: February, 2020)