
Christ Pre-eminent in Creation

Tune: Gonfalon Royal

(\'The royal banners forward go\')

Colossians 1 v.15-18


Christ, image of the invisible

God, first in rank o\'er creatures all

For by Him were all created

Not left to chance or mere fated


All things that are in heaven and earth

Visible, invisible, worth

He gave to all, deeds by God done

He working true through Christ His Son


And too made thrones and dominions

Rulers, authorities, each one

By Him and for Him all were made

His wonders to us here displayed


And He is before all things, see

And by Him all things consist, be

He is the head of the body

The church, in him it grows strong, free


He is the beginning, firstborn

From the dead on first Easter morn

That in all things pre-eminence

He may have, and forever hence