
The Mind

What in the world wouldn’t I give to get a better life.

it helps me to cope with things I have.

I wish that I had done something better with life.


I have no passion nor greed,

just ambition and would like to be free.

My mind, is filled with rage, passion, doubt

for nothing but an empty soul.

Feeling lonely all the time. I try to cope

but the bitter feeling of loneliness and the mask I hold.


The people I meet, the people I greet,

the people I love, the people I regret,

are all the same when I look into myself.


There’s an empty room for love I think

But, I respect people too much for me to act on it.

The brother doesn’t fit in it.

The world is strange it’s an open mind

All you can see, all you can feel,

Is all the man perceives.


So, little are the minds of people

The use of love, lust, anger, sadness,

Are all one big madness.


I don’t know how people hope

when all they get are not to behold

never have I loved never have I loved

though the family is to be loved.

Never should you die, nor should you live

What do I do, if not this.


The world is strange, it’s an open mind

All you can see all you can feel,

Is all the man perceives.