
The Croquet Myth.

On go the clothes

Preparing for the day,

The day when the game,

The game is to be played.

Pants, vest and socks

Go on first,

Then the thick shirt

And the corduroy trousers,

On goes a jumper,

Then a thicker pullover.

Walking socks,

Go over the socks,

Then the thick soled shoes,

And the fur lined coat,

I am ready.


Off I go to that place,

That place that is so meaningful,

Meaningful to me.

I arrive in good time

To that lawn where the rain

Sweeps over it,

In the ever increasing wind.

On go the waterproof coats

And the waterproof trousers.

I am ready,

Ready to play,

To play the game,

The game that has taken me,

Taken me to vibrant pleasure.


There is a rumour,

That beacon of belief,

That croquet can be played,

Be played in the sun,

Where it is so warm

That short sleeved shirts

And short are warn.

But no,

That rumour,

Is surely a myth.