
Rental rebate plus affordable rent...

After wing and prayer

granted courtesy The Flying Tigers

at long last located valuable information

issued December of each year

surprisingly enough exactly where

social security (2019) 1099 form

remained untouched, I swear

yet earlier yesterday at 1200 hours

February 27th, though very near,

and finally located necessary documentation

(think rental rebate) here

with unexpected discovery

birthed following poem aware

many if not all avid readers

will not care, nor give rat\'s ass

regarding humdrum minor dilemma

involving one bonafide


Homo sapiens merely

bruitting himself garden variety biomass,

nonetheless, he fetes, lauds, tauts...

rental rebate tantamount

approximating financial reimbursement

without being unduly crass.


Thus reasonable rhyme

yours truly doth aire

without stut... stut...

stuttering, yet no guarantee

wordsworth their weight


in gold will ring clear

more likely receive

frosty reception everywhere

across world wide web,

perhaps with unwelcome glare,

yet profuse apology

if man with wit - me,

(i.e. whitman) didst unwittingly interfere

with unwanted distraction

courtesy bobbing square

pants donned sponge


soaking up precious time (yours)

foolish longfellow rushing in where

one capricorn long since wed

not nsync, but alone, cuz angels fear to tread

\"quod erat demonstrandum\"

more familiarly recognized as Q.E.D.

(shares close pronunciation with quid)

ditch costs extra horse sense according to Ned,

whoop sorry, I meant mister Ed.


Chalk up the above

tummy whimsical caprice

forever one generic

(ewe among us) scapegoat
bullied, lambasted, ostracized...

simian still silently suffering

life threatening wounds

since no protective Jason,

nor the golden fleece

shielded me against torments even after

becoming gratefully dead,

they will still increase

only difference when nonexistence prevails,

versus while given lease

as run(t) of the mill mortal

doth finally welcoming peace

of body, mind and spirit.


Aforestated gallimaufry mishmash

hoopfully doth explain

tangentially, loosely and amazingly

one after another graceful linkedin refrain

now heeds intuitive trumpeted

clarion call moon faced

cybersurfer to wax and wane.


Roll up welcome Harris tweed Scottish mat after

lame attempt bing witty and wise

fame and fortune elude,

nevertheless logophile continuously tries

this February 28th, 2020 no surprise


quotidian series of Lemony Snicket induced

unfortunate circumstances did rise
every hour these myopic eyes

blinked cognitive depth youthfulness belies,

when dawning consciousness did arise.