
Gospel Goings

Tune: Nun Danket

(\'Now thank we all our God\')


A song from heart and soul

Arise within, not be dull

If heavy-hearted we

Help us, Lord, your light to see

You who do each heart know

Graces on us bestow

Turning from sin and shame

We glorify your name


A touch, an influence

Something of your presence sense

May we, e\'en your Spirit

Who dwells within blest lives lit

By your light free and sure

The light of life e\'ermore

Turning from dark to light

So illumined our sight


For things, tasks of each day

We ask for your power, pray

To serve acceptably

To know what your way, will be

Your promise not to leave

Us, \'tis true, no deceive

We frame our pleas to you

And offer praises true


We small, we here below

And yet with more ardent glow

May we in service shine

Fulfilling your plan divine

A gospel for to share

Help us leave fear and care

The seed on good soil sown

Yet some on path, thorns, stone