
If I died today March 2nd, 2020...?

No matter unfulfilled dreams never came true,

nevertheless yours truly doth gladly bid adieu,

where repurposed afterlife (mine) atomic brew

reconfigured, reconstituted, and reconsolidated

out maws of madness, no matter any blues clue

(yea undoubtedly, hypothetically, and admittedly

handy dandy) eventuality matter factly welcomed

neither feeling suicidal, but speculating often anew,

especially imbibing onset of early spring afternoon

googling Mother Goose nursery rhyme think Kudzu,

(albeit metaphorically) roots kickstarted scant hours

prior to distilling unexpected boyhood memory flew

out lift wafted subconsciously banked boyhood bliss

naively innocent childhood before depression grew

bathing, steeping, drenching psyche impossible exit

to escape apathy, delinquency, and insularity to shoo

away deleterious, egregious, ferocious linkedin angst

predominant across avast good n plenti birthdays (true

value underestimated) ineradicable suicidal ideations

(particularly courtesy anorexia nervosa) hide eschew

permanent stunting emotional, physical, and spiritual

integral vitally webbed no fly zone compromising zoo

wool logical garden variety generic specimen Homo

sapien, one poker face Earthling born this way screw

shh he hating self - fostering longing toward deathly

hallows, which outlook averse to quickening Matthew

Scott Harris nsync with grim reaper, and matter fact

bolstering body, mind and spirit whereby altruistic rue

dement tree random acts of kindness infuse being alive,

particularly beset with psychological history in pursue

went of existential fatalistic nihilism apathetic regarding

optimal inchoate development while in utero stuck poo

poo wing me barely relishing gamut of pleasantries stew

wing within vegetating goulash (mush applicable chew

festering childhood\'s end into young adulthood) eating

je nais se quois healthy propensity esprit de corps crew

shall whereby maximization of gifted abilities shrugged

off (Atlas) suddenly experiencing consciousness brew

witting habituation feeling inadequate counting scores

notching chronological occupancy contingent since moo

knee decades elapsed, whereby cow whirring behavior

found geeky, nasally, and scrawny boy intimidated who

scared of his own shadow allow, enabling, and providing

perfect (no kidding naysaying) scapegoat fodder burr roo

till, short and nasty trolling ogres appeased appetite foo

fighting harmless lad (me) hurling fiendishly destructive

name calling (cruelly, relentlessly, and wickedly) be ewe

toughly heaping shear insults and sheepishly lambasting

second progeny singular son begat seminal viscous glue

embedding, latching, coalescing pinteresting stronghold

nsync ova riding competing mobile ace swimmers few

tile haploid gametes succumbing to soundless didgeridoo.