
Salvation Sure

Tune: Ode To Joy

(\'Joyful, joyful, we adore thee\')

Psalm 30 v.1-5 & v.10-12


I will extol you, O LORD, for

You have raised me up, \'tis sure

Not made my foes rejoice o\'er me

But your saving help I see

O LORD my God, to you I cried

You have healed me, not denied

Brought up my soul from the low grave

Kept me alive, me did save


Sing to the LORD, saints, His people

Give thanks for His mercies all

Remembering His holiness

He will look to us, us bless

His anger endures a moment

Holds it not e\'er, does relent

In His favour is life and grace

His benefits we may trace


Weeping may endure for a night

But joy comes with sweet delight

In the morning, the light does dawn

Stay not ever sad or mourn

Hear, O LORD, have mercy on me

And too my strong helper be

You have turned for me my mourning

Into dancing, praise I bring


You have put off my sackcloth dull

I rejoice with all my soul

You have girded me with gladness

Are good to me, I confess

So my tongue will sing to you praise

Not be silent, worship raise

O LORD my God, I will you give

Thanks for ever, you e\'er live