
Generation World Saviours

I remember it well, the days we were allowed to dream

My childhood was full of magical plans to become the next Princess Astronaut 

who ruled the world on the back of a great whale 

It didn’t matter what we dreamed so long as we did

The world was our oyster and claim it we did!


Generation upon generation of dream makers and dream seekers

Countless plans and endless chances 

Blind to the truth, we had a whole life’s worth 

There was no ticking clock except the rhythmic drum within our chests. 


Classrooms were adrift on the dreams of its students 

To travel the world, to write the next best seller or to be our Prime Minister

Who cares what we dreamed! 

We were simply bursting at the seams! 


Yet, we could not see the best before date 

Scientists spoke of it, the Earth showed signs of it and still,

we turned a blind eye

The cost of Generation Dreamers 

We paid the fee with our childrens’ futures

Blind to the fine print and fast rising charges 

We continued as we were, hoping paper straws would do the trick 

Yet, instead of in classrooms, our children are out on the street

Braving ridicule and contempt for the truth they speak

Signs held tight aloft in their fists 

Asking how we dare!


Generation World Saviours

They are not allowed to dream the dreams we dreamed 

All they can hope for is a tomorrow 

To study the dinosaur and not the giraffe 

To not fear the rising sea or the burning sun

To make plans for the future and have a family of their own

We charge them with continuing the human race on the gallows 

And we, those who came before, we tightened the noose!


Before they can dream their own dreams of unlimited possibility 

Our children demand we open our eyes 

To step outside of ourselves long enough to help their cause 

They may carry the banners but we must bring the charge 

For we have failed them and we have failed Earth. 


Now we must stand side by side

Generation Dreamers and Generation World Saviours 

United in a singular dream

For our children, their children and for the entirety of mankind

The dream to save the world.