
First Rant of the Year!

Through the front door I went

And there on the floor was a letter,

Nothing unusual in that.

Opened it,

Read it,

And swore!

It was a bill,

Again nothing unusual in that,

It was from the Council,

An invoice for my lovers care,

My lovers wonderful care,

Care in the care home

Where she was treated so well.

All the time she was there

I had the bills,

And paid them every time,

But this one was different.

My lover had to go into hospital

So no longer in the care home,

The staff knew she would not be coming back,

Coming back to the care home

And this bill was for the time,

The time she was in hospital

With no hope of returning,

And to make things worse

There was a charge for a week,

A week after my lover had passed!

Do the council now charge,

Charge when we are in heaven!