
National Book Day

Some assorted ramblings for today

Here it is - National Book Day (5th March)

I can\'t tell if this is gonna all rhyme

And whether it\'ll take a long or a little time

Ahh - rhyming so far.....


Are you bookish?

A book-worm?

Who you calling a worm?

As crops up in some of my poems

And some don\'t like being called sheep

In my \'Sheep and Shepherd\' lines


You got your nose in a book?

What will it be?

Poetry, adventure, factual

Romance, nature, history

Serious, non-sensical

Fiction, non-fiction?


I\'ve got to sort out me metres

And me iambic pentameters

If I knew what they were!


It\'s educational on \'ere, ya know

Raising the literary standard

Not any old rubbish!


I\'ll give ya some \'thee\'s and \'thou\'s if ya wish

Sometimes it makes poems easier to rhyme

But thou dost not speak in ye olde language

In everyday conversation today


Happy readings all!

Says I and Fido

Woof! He\'s a dog that can read, ya know

Here\' s one of his favourite books in the clip

So whether serious, humorous, whatever genre

Or a load of waffle - enjoy!

What? \'No change there then\'

You reply to my poems!


There\'s always \'The Good Book\' too

Bet ya knew I would sneak that in somehow!



\"So many books; so little time\"

(Frank Zappa)