
The old fool


I was out gardening when this rosy cheek\'d boy

Came dancing along and, taking hold of his bow,

Aim\'d straight at me, letting his arrow fly as though

I was just a target, or a sport to enjoy.

Seeing his arrow strike, he laughed and did a twirl,

Then watched with amusement as I pulled at his dart.

\'Hey,\' I cried, feeling a weight pressing on my heart,

\'What\'s the game ? Go and prick some tender-hearted girl.\'

\'Not I,\' said he. \'You are just the sort of old fool

That I look for these days. You really ought to know,

My kingdom is full of people like you who think

Love is over for them, and do not wish to drink

Again of the poison which derives from my bow.

Your fate is sealed, old chap, you are under my rule!\'