Nafis Light

Closed Side - Remembering Koki

What was once a treasured person;
Now a memory so bright like The Sun.


He is wise;
He is fun;
He is an adventurer;
He is an explorer
of things
of nature
of life
of people
of places
that widen his experience;
that widen his connections;
that bring him people;
that grant him a great sense of life...such fable.


He is alive...still;
Though I wouldn\'t know
of the possibilities
of meeting him again
of having a true bond with him,
What I do know is that
there are things that I Love and Honour regarding him;
I know it...sense it...feel it...deeply
and it will be something I would do for him...daily.


Bright Blessings To All Who Read This...and Blessings of Love To Him,
Joker Green