
a strange friend

Depression is my strange friend

It’s that broken vase

Once broken it will never be the same.

It’s the fog around you while you’re driving

And your wipers aren’t working

Depression is life’s gun.

Sometimes the triggers

Are unknown

But when it goes off

Takes the life you feel inside you

Depression is a heart attack and

a stroke at the same time

Your heart is being attacked

While your thoughts damage you

Depression is being around everyone you love

Doing the things you enjoy

But you feel so invisible

It’s the rain the keeps pouring

And you’re wondering

Where is the rainbow?

Depression is having the voices

Of those you thought loved you

But instead the poison you hear

Replay its self over and over

Now you’ve got yourself

Against you.

Your heart becomes so weak

And wounded

It no longer works

What is it that life can offer

To be your defibrillator

The explosive nature of your thoughts

Expand your inner crater

I know what it feels like to be smothered to death

But still fight for a reason to live

Drowning in all your uncertainties

when you know He who is above you

Is the most certain

You don’t dare open those curtains

For you fear the light you allow in

Will only be masked up again

And even though depression will have control of my mind

It is too weak to take over my soul

Because it is He who blew his spirit into me

Giving me a reason

To set myself free