dusk arising



Come on ladies,
what\'s this thing
with your eyebrows?
So many of you sporting
\'drawn-on\' brows
in quite unnatural shapes
in quite unnatural places.
Some akin to
CO-CO the clown
with their permanent
raised eyebrows
look of surprise.
Or are they trying to
alter someones perception
of female attractiveness?
Perhaps their own?
Then there are those
thick black chisel edged ones.
What\'s that all about?
Often they make an
otherwise charming face
quite frightening?
Come on ladies
what\'s wrong with
that natural look?
Especially those of you
who call yourselves christians
wasn\'t god\'s work
good enough for you?
why are you trying
to improve upon gods work?
or is that what
make-up is all about.
Oh no, i sense another
dual standard lurking in
that christian closet.