
And you woke me up at four in the morning to tell me that!!??!


She said \'yes, but only on Tuesdays\'.

I did not know how to take her.

She said \'Tuesday is a special day\'.

I said, \'Yeah, like Mondays and Fridays\'.


Turn the wheel

Don\'t conceal

What you want

And what is real.


I said, \'Eat up your porridge, dear\'.

She said, \'Go away and don\'t come back\'.

I did not know how to take her.

Maybe I\'ll bring a translator next time.


Turn the wheel

Don\'t conceal

What you are

And what you feel.


She was not happy, but still tried hard,

She said, \'Don\'t go. Don\'t you know anything?\'

I said, \'As a rule, nothing at all.\'

I certainly didn\'t know how to take her.


Turn the wheel

No big deal

Another time

And all will heal.


\'Well,\' she said, \'the rumour is out.\'

\'It is?\' I retorted. \'What rumour is that?\'

\'The cat is dead. Long live the cat!\'

Then I understood, and I took her.



From behind

The curtain

Came an awful cry

\'Stop, stop,

no more, no more.

I can\'t take it any more.\'


But life is good

And must be lived

Whatever it may bring

So dance and sing


And merrily

Dance and sing.

\'Tis Easter eve,

And the birds do fly.

Ta ra Ta ra Ta ra!