
Listen And Take Heed

All is vanity.

After years,

of searching the world for happiness,

I realize that I,

have been many places.

I have accomplished many things.

If I were to die shortly,

then I could honestly say,

that have lived a full life,

only to reflect,

and realize,

that all is vanity.

I realize now,

that in world full of disease,


and war,

there is no greater happiness

than God.

All in this earth is vanity,

in the sense that,

once we are tired,

or maybe finished with something,

we move on,

only for that accomplishment,

to vanish and be forgotten.

There is satisfaction,

in our toil,

but it is only temporary.


it can,

and it cannot be helped.

We cannot dwell on one thing,

for to long.

It is unhealthy if we do.

Still, many times,

we do not reflect,

and enjoy the fruits of our labor,

and we should.

So to those who are young,

in this generation,

take my warning.

Do not chase,

the things of this world.

For they are all vain.

Do not wait,

to put God first in your life.

Not many will be so fortunate.

Surround yourself with good.

Only the Lord gives life.

The rest of the world -

despite it\'s looks -

only brings death.

So whether one lives,

to be twenty-five,

or ninety-five,

remember that there,

is nothing greater,

and more fulfilling,

than the Lord.