Kurt Philip Behm

A Voice Now Gone (+4)

The night a killer with retinas that burn,

all verses running mad


Fists of silence coming out of the dark,

opening up to grab


Fingers choking the last vocal chord,

strangulation by command


The quiet finality of a voice now gone

—gripped in my own hands


(Dreamsleep: March, 2020)



Three Faces Of I


I chased my selves

down the hallway tonight,

and called them both by name


They stopped and wavered

before looking away,

turning their backs again



gravity captured the space,

attraction thrice denied


The fusion once splintered

reuniting itself,

me, myself—and I


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2020)




Mount Rushmore Afternoon


Editing Poetry...

which face comes off the mountain


(Keystone South Dakota:August, 2013)



Heaven\'s Ear


When the spirit listens

—the heart forgives


(Villanova Pennsylvania: December, 2011)



Thunder—Never Rain


Logic will never explain the Spirit,

its reasoning is vain

Metaphysics without transcendence,

all thunder—never rain

Ontology dismissing love,

a life of death and pain

Lusting for what we’ll never have

—hating what we can’t explain

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2016)