
Watching And Waiting

Tune: Taize Chant

(\'O Lord hear my prayer\')

Psalm 130


Out of the depths here

LORD, I cry, be near

And unto me appear

O LORD, hear my voice

By grace I your choice

And in you I rejoice


O let your ears hear

My prayer to you dear

Inspire me with your fear* (*awe)

If you, LORD, should keep

The sins of your sheep

We be in troubles deep


But there forgiveness

With you is, you bless

In awe of you, confess

We that you are great

We left not to fate

Waiting on you, our state


I wait on you more

Than they who for sure

Watch for the morning pure

After a dark night

Comes again your light

And too spiritual sight


Let Israel hope all

In you, LORD, and call

On you, so they not fall

For mercy there be

With you, and too see

Redeemed, you set us free