scarlet poet

what is love?

I’m not stupid, I know what love is.

It’s a shitty feeling that you get in your gut.

You know, like when you die a little?

Yeah, that one.


So much euphoria you can barely handle it.

I thought I could, boy I was dumb.

It all starts with kisses in the dark,

Sinking into each breath and hum.


Exploring each other’s skin,

Never knowing how far you could go.

Going to places you yourself have never been.

Never having regrets.


Sharing the moments together

As lights dim and doors close.

Tethering with each other,

Overwhelming excitement fills the room.


Cravings become too much.

Nightfall happens and you’re up late.

Wanting their soft touch.

Without realizing, you stop caring for your surroundings.


You lose control of things you once had.

Before you know it, precious things to you are gone.

It all comes down to you.

When you realize you’ve become the Black Swan.


You swear you’re done.

Deep down, what’s the truth?

You’re only one.

You have an enormous desire for them.


So, what is love, you ask?

I’ve had it, I’ll admit.

Well, I won’t get cocky, but,

It’s a bunch of bullshit.