Fay Slimm.






On sun-honeyed cottage walls another day
knocks and ousts from bed every duty-clad
mother to wake snoring offspring and move 
bread-winning others.

As whinny of sea breeze shakes bud-drop
on frothy trees ravelled bed-sheets leave
sweating bodies, crumple floor-wards and
stretching sonlings wriggle toes as yawns
mist morning\'s wonders.

Kitchened in throb of breakfast-sizzle old
dog squints at dawn and whimpers at call
from white-aproned bustle, hobbles out
whining at chatter of hob-blackened pot
as brown tea rouses  cobbled-clog rush
to scoop buttered bread then pocketed
for hunger\'s staving.


For decades hard living meant mothers
held ropes together at home by giving
no ear to complaint from fine-weather
seekers and set zealous fire under lazy
dalliance whether it\'s glow was heeded
or no, but with bark worse than bite as
the old saying goes.


Unrivaled is female dedication and this
Special Day notes its lead in the family.  

Praise for years of caring Mothers.