Tune: St Hugh
(\'Lord teach us how to pray aright\')
In your Communion we be
Met in spirit, soul, see
Though we not physically partake
Yet we join for your sake
You still give bread, wine spiritual
Though we are not met all
In person round your table here
You in our hearts appear
Maintaining love and friendship, care
You give us grace to bear
Till day comes soon, we pray, we meet
To worship at your feet
Give help and aid to solitary
Where we seem unfriendly
But for everyone\'s good it be
May we be wise, agree
To distance self in person, though
Still human kindness know
Our pain, hurt, feelings ne\'er as deep
As you did toil and weep
In desert and Gethsemane
And on to Calvary
Then resurrection, sinner\'s Friend
Your mercies us defend