PERSONALLY ~ We are counting Our Blessings ! We managed  to squeeze Our Wedding in on Tuesday and are now on a *Self Isolating Honeymoon* in our *Own Little House in Essex !*  We havnt got COVID 19 ~ YET ~ We can get out shopping ~ for Ourselves ~ Older Friends & the Foodbank ~ AMEN ! 


C OUNT YOUR BLESSING ~ In a Pandemic ?  YES !

O nly a few - in the UK - actually have COVID 19

U ntil you are affected - That*s a Blessing !

N ow in the UK we are all doing our best to obey

T he guidelines - to prevent COVID 19 spreading !


Y OU are responsible for Yourself - And

O thers to contain the infection and avoid

U necessary travel & human contact - by

R emaining isolated at Home - whenever possible !


B LESSING - in the UK - is that the spread of COVID 19 - is

L ess than in other European Countries ........

E nabling  the NHS to cope with the *rate of increase*

S earch 111 on line - log in your personal details & -

S ymptoms etc and they will advise you - on line !

I  & BRIAN - have done this & we*re OK - which is a Blessing - AMEN

N O ONE in the UK - should lack FOOD - Clothing or Shelter

G O to your local *Food Bank* - another  Big Blessing !  And

S hare what BLESSINGS you have and BLESS OTHERS - AMEN !


Thanks for visiting comments please Love ANGELA & BRIAN ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›


This POEM is presented a s a *Free Verse*  5 4 9  Acrostic - ENJOY !