Poetic Dan

I can\'t write them a letter so I\'ll start with you!

I can help a dog but I can\'t write it a letter, so I\'ll have to start with you


Every tool has its job and every tool is meant to help get us! to the point that we become the only tool that is needed!


I\'ve lost count how many times owner\'s with dogs harnessed up that have not long been rescued!


Looking like they have no control and holding on for life, stroking it saying \"it\'s okay\"


Now each time I offer any advice 99% of it, I get looked at as if they are the only one that could help/handle this dog.


Today was a huge breed, bouncing up and down, trying it\'s hardest to get over to us. As I stop hoping they could relax before walking on (yes that would help you), I suggested not using a harness, pointing at my 3 (calm) dogs, 2 on collars and one with a Halti (goes around the nose).


I was not shocked to get a response of \"I don\'t want to hurt its neck!\" Now forgive for not knowing the breed (Dog first, breed second) but I know it looked like a white fluffy lion (Akita) that could not wait to play or just take our space!


This company is the biggest in the UK for rehousing and \"helping\" those dogs that really struggle to adapt to human way of life. The information that comes from them and yes this has been many cases, doesn\'t seem to help at all. They are actually making it worse by letting those that take a dog, think that they have control...


I am thinking this year I will send my local and head office sites a wonderful email on this subject.
I would be willing to give all my spare time in demonstrating and backing up that a harness gives us no control, making us nothing but anchors...