to Jessica, my beloved wife, born and raised in Cagayan de Oro, Philippines
destinations to plan and pack
paved roads to pass the pleasures
your country is great
rest areas with plumbing
and chopper water rescues
your country is great
stacked shelves at grocery markets
air conditioned church services
your country is great
boundless books to borrow
a library in every city
your country is great
student loans for college
an abundant supply of jobs
your country is great
shoulder to shoulder cheering
in crowded college stadiums
your country is great
dainty disciplined dancers
and handsome Hollywood actors
your country is great
respected armed forces
great history of invention
your country is great
people that give freely
come to the aid of others
your country is great
the will to overcome
diverse you come together
yes dear, our country is great!
Gary Edward Geraci