Tune: Dominus Regit Me
(\'The King of love my Shepherd is\')
A Maundy [Thursday] feel, a town, quiet, bare
Something of you we do share
Lord, of your loneliness, sorrow
That you facing the cross did know
Yet cannot be same cross you bore
That they on Calvary saw
For you did suffer us to save
Your life there once for all you gave
Emotional the hurt and pain
But trust we shall meet again
We must for hopeful short-term bear
That then we see in person, share
A searching of our minds and hearts
Whatever ways, whate\'er parts
We are affected, way, shape, form
Continuing on through the storm
We pray help to those poor, needy
And to the vulnerable be
If your love seems dimmed, it still shines
Through darkness with its beams divine
So altar stripped, Good Friday neared
And church of vessels gone, cleared*
But soon comes morn, resurrection
Your salvation to every one
* This happens at the end of the
service on Maundy Thursday.