Nafis Light

Living Side - Poet’s Laugh 2

Book...I like books
for the sake of knowledge
so that I will be on the same page
as Amazing People...or better.


Instead, I post things like this daily
which are like pages, chapters, and pieces of a book;
maybe more than a book...two or three;
Well, it is much preferable this way.


If I had made a book,
How long would it take to reach people?
It might be an unlimited number of years,
An Unimaginable Kind of Look.


At least this way is much much better.
because like little pieces and little givings
Would lead to a wonderful future,
Momentum, Gradual, Growth, Maturity, Commitment.


Besides, who could take everything in one day?
Who would push everything aside...or away?
It shows more than just commitment or devotion;
It shows the importance of the self.


Bright Blessings and Love,
Joker Green