
Weeding Them Out

Many fear,

this new pandemic.

I see it as God,

weeding out the church,

and those who call,

themselves Christians.

For years false prophets,

have abound in the church,

and for many more,

they will continue,

to do so.


with many churches,

claiming that they are of God,

with many pastors,

taking away from the Bible,

and adding onto the Bible,

and with many pastors,

preaching hate,

and false love,

and speaking not from the Word,

I see many,

of these churches,

being forced to close it\'s doors -

some permanently.

and that may,

be a good thing.

With more and more,


satanic churches,

and atheistic churches,

being built,

and with the church of scientology,

using the cross,

to help promote itself,

I see this as,

God cleansing the church,

and destroying,

and dispanding,

any group,

who tries to,

come against the church.

For Christ\'s church,

was built on a rock,

and the gates of hell,

shall not prevail,

against it.

Not only do I see,

God weeding out the church,

but also those,

who for years,

have called themselves Christians -

those who have claimed,

to represent God,

and blasphemed his name.

For those who,

classified themselves,

as Christians for so long,

only because their parents,

had went to church,

to the politicians,

who use God\'s name,

only for their,

political gain,

to those who say,

\"one must dress,


to be a Christian\".

How will these people,

react in this scary crisis,

that is unheard of,

by most people?

Will they trust the Lord,

to bring them through the storm?

Will they question God?

Will they be afraid?

Will they beg for his forgiveness?

This crisis,

this world crisis,

will surely seperate,

the true believers,

from the false.

You can be assured,

that that is a silver lining,

and the church,

and Christ\'s people,

will come out stronger.