
Prayer for Peter

Tune: Winchester New

(\'Ride on, ride on in majesty\')

Luke 22 v.31-34 & v.61-62


Jesus did say to Simon {Peter} true

Satan has desired to have you

That he may sift you as wheat, make

Your faith fail and to it forsake


But I have prayed for you, so be

That your faith does not fail in me

And when you have turned again, you

Strengthen then my people anew


Lord, he replied, I am willing

And ready to leave everything

To go with you into prison

And unto death, too said each one


Each one of the disciples there

Who did in the Last Supper share

But Jesus said to Peter, see

This not the way that it shall be


For I tell you, the cockerel

Shall not crow before, I well know

Before you shall thrice have denied

That you have known me, so replied


At Jesus\' arrest it was so

Peter denied Him, He did know

Cockerel crowd, Peter recalled

The Lord\'s words, and wept bitter all