
In The Valley

Time passes,
And we are worn down by it -
Rich earth and burning night
All around us,
And eyes shut tight.
Stories told in silence,
Shadows pulsing on skin - remembering-
We know this path by heart,
In the valley of the river -
And time presses in 
With suffocating heat.
Bruised and torn,
We grasp for purchase.
Swift and soundless, we rise -
And we are full of reckless fire,
Blazing hearts and each word burning -
Seething over bones
And pulling warmth back under our skin.
We move as we please,
Graceful indeed -
Blue eyes tearing apart the darkness,
Sparks shooting across the empty sky,
Bourne wild on the night air -
Light spreading out,
And we watch - ordinary men -
The darkest and the most dangerous,
And the rhythm we cannot hear,
We feel in our bones instead,
Leaving memories like boot prints -
Scars in the dim light of another day,
The light breaking as it has done
For thousands of years,
World without end, 
And we cast our lot with gods.
The sky is magnificently clear.