
Resurrection Rhapsody

Tune: Easter Hymn

(\'Jesus Christ is risen today\')

Matthew 28 v.1-10


Christ arisen from the dead - Alleluia!

Now e\'er lives our risen Head - Alleluia!

Two Marys, they came forlorn - Alleluia!

To tomb on the Sunday morn - Alleluia!


Great earthquake, angel descends - Alleluia!

Land does shake and rocks do rend - Alleluia!

Rolled back stone from tomb entrance - Alleluia!

Christ He had arisen thence - Alleluia!


Guards at tomb did shake fro fear - Alleluia!

When the angel did appear - Alleluia!

They became like dead men there - Alleluia!

But Marys they did well fare - Alleluia!


Angel said, Fear not, for you - Alleluia!

Seek Jesus, crucified true - Alleluia!

But He not here, see the place - Alleluia!

Where the Lord lay, here it trace - Alleluia!


Go quickly, tell disciples - Alleluia!

He is risen from dead all - Alleluia!

Goes before to Galilee - Alleluia!

There you shall meet Him, Him see - Alleluia!


They left tomb with awe, great joy - Alleluia!

Nothing did their pursuit cloy - Alleluia!

On the way, Jesus them met - Alleluia!

His \'All hail\' they ne\'er forget - Alleluia!


They held His feet, did worship - Alleluia!

Gave Him praise in life and lip - Alleluia!

Jesus said, Go tell brethren - Alleluia!

See me in Galilee then - Alleluia!