Poetic Dan


I like to sit and have deep chats, do your demon\'s itch & whisper back


Mine are my friends, with me till the bitter end


They like to clown around, knowing we are all free


I am the soul that\'s embodied, there\'s been many choice how to mentally or physically live my life


Each piece understanding the dark and light make the whole, tattooed on my hands so I can let go.


Nothing in this world do I wish to own, so another bit of ink down my arms, to remember I am already home.


Only desire is to keep going as far as the eye can see, wondering if there would ever be nothing for me.


For all the knowledge in the years I have gained, from many souls along the way, with mother natures rules I must obey!


We were never ment to live this way, but we are still a young species that haven\'t learned it is no longer a race.


Now is the time to truly communicate and give no power to another, that you don\'t already have. If so you chose to enter the pack, I\'ll leave the last part with my work thoughts as a poetic mind never switches off.....


\"As much as dog is the best tool for assessing or helping one another, I see myself nothing more than a glorified referee or dinner lady. The game is theirs, I\'m just lucky to understand the rules and be given the privilege to take part.\"