
Lindsay Blues (Part 2)

Creativity comes with passion. 

Passion comes when I think of you. 

You can be many a woman. 

A woman can also be the songs i play. 


Lindsay, you are one of few, 

An image i have in my head at night, 

A dream I try to fantasise

But a touch and taste that will never be mine. 


The smell of a woman can haunt a man

But it is a blessing in itself

Perfume or no perfume, a sent can stay with me

Just like a touch, 

Just like a whisper and a smile for me

Or even just to drink with me. 


A selective mind leaves an ocean so much larger.

Time is on my side but not in our case.

The lindsay Blues are back.


A young man\'s heart in a career feulled game,

A culture i miss back home. 

Am i the one to change for the \'better\'? 

I push my fantasies aside. 

I know what reality is. 


Tonight I paint a canvas:

The canvas is real, experienced, soulful and true. 

The canvas could be many things but

Tonight that canvas is you. 

Lindsay Blues Part 2.