Aa Harvey

Maturity will set you free

Maturity will set you free



Where I once was blind, I now can see

And maybe you should pity me,

For a youth I am no longer;

For a man I have become.



Now I am much wiser and stronger than you could realize;

For I am now deafened,

To the distractions which keep you blind.

For my eyes have been opened

And fulfillment I can now find.



I was once like you, at the end of my childhood,

But now I have matured into adulthood

And no longer like a child, can I act.

I must act my age and become a wise man.



For the things a child craves,

Are merely trinkets dangled before us.

Now I see your gold and diamonds,

Are simply copper underneath.



And the things you lust after,

Are merely the first stepping stone;

Whilst I seek the water’s edge and a release I have chosen.

For the choices I have made, have lead me to the other side,

Whilst you’re splashing in the water,

Desperately clinging onto your stone.



But there I have been and through time found my feet;

Now I walk through the darkness, with no need of light to see.

I no longer fear slipping and falling into the water;

For I have been here before, so seek a new path to follow.



I seek a better tomorrow to truly begin to live free,

For now I have escaped these childhood manacles,

That have entrapped me,

And blinded me, but now I can see,

That I am now free,

To disagree

And maybe to teach,

In an effort to give you enlightenment;

So one day you too will be set free.



(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.