
At the Turning Point

I had come to the turning point,

The turning point of my daily walk,

My walk along My River.

As I waited taking in the scenery

A lady I had walked passed,

Also stopped.

She too had met her turning point,

The turning point of her walk.

So instead of returning at speed

I walked with her,

And we talked.

We talked of many things,

And of coincidences.

Her husband was in a Nursing Home

He had dementia,

As My Lover had.

So we spoke of that awful disease,

Spoke from experience of living,

Living with one who has the problem.

But then we moved on,

Moved to talk of the wonder,

The wonder of nature,

And being allowed to walk with it.

We both felt the glory around us

As we walked with Our River,

Until we parted,

Back into our separate lives.