
Passing Guest

A shining ribbon of road stretches into the faint distance,
fading memories color the landscape left behind,
particular moments, new friends, days of unreasonable
joy, miles of faltering steps, spirit soaring, soul in
despair, all blend into one undeniable reality:  I am
a Passing Guest in this life, a sojourner on the Way.

Where I began is distant memory, a destination is
beyond imagining.  Each day is now, each encounter
a lifespan.  This continuous concourse shapes and
forms all who descend the valleys, all who dare
the climbs.  The journey is its own reward; along
the Way mysteries become memories

The Host is gracious to all who pass this way,
bread and cup adorn the plentiful table, nourishment
for the journey.  Rest renews, peace embraces all
who seek it.  Guests, in deep gratitude, share the
essential substances of life.  Each serves the other\'s
need.  No one is turned away.

This road will carry me toward an awareness that I
shall never fully attain.  Each step is closer to the 
doorway of discovery.  I am drawn by the coaxing
of an unexplainable rhythm which sounds remarkably
like the beating of my heart.  I am a Passing
Guest in life, a sojourner on the Way.