Kurt Philip Behm

The Boys (+4)

Elegant grunge…

the Rolling Stones


(Wembley Stadium: June, 1982)



Each Voice


America’s greatness…

we don’t have to agree


In freedom of dissension,

a strong harmony


Each voice draws a bowstring

whose arrow flies high


Carrying a message

—that liberty buys


(Philadelphia Pennsylvania: April, 2020)




Unto Thee


One last day to suffer,

as silence endures


One new day engendered,

to motion toward


A musical seamstress,

to stitch me back whole


A lyrical consort,

inscribed to behold


Each word as my seed,

to lay fertile the plain


Each phrase lost and orphaned,

my spirit reclaims


That breath once bespoken,

new hope to set free


That voice reawakened

—whose soul unto thee


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2020)



All Scepters Disowned


I don’t bow to money,

I don’t bow to fame


I kneel to that one thing,

that time cannot change


I don’t speak for right,

and won’t speak for wrong


My liege is the truth,

all court jesters gone


I don’t hope to be knighted,

my shield more concave


And rejecting all title,

the past still enslaved


My will lay unbroken,

my heart for a throne


A crown jeweled with memory

—all scepters disowned


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2017)



Looking Away


You won’t get better

with age


Or turn more experience

into a higher art


By heading back down,

never reaching the apex


To where you first started

—your eyes turned away


(St. David’s Pennsylvania: April, 2020)