
Califia Farms Coconut Almond Milk

Truth be told said topic minimally embellished

rather, prattling youthful looking

baby booming geezer

precious time (yours), he doth bilk

(cue sinister mock-up halloween voice)


moost valuable intangible

outstripping fine spun golden silk,

yet coronavirus (COVID-19) quarantine

drives dingbat to whole new level

wits end where sonar helps sound out his ilk.


Think me swallowing, gulping, and asphyxiating

essential experiencing ill humor versus zest

suddenly impossible mission life and death quest

in short oxygen with air supply

depleted blame climate change

analogous to getting trachea

severely pelted, pinched, pressed

nevertheless, I limber twigs to build a nest

simultaneously (choking, gagging, and laughing)

appeasing the impractical joker within/without

lame impersonation suave debonair beau geste

and pardon following hyperbole expressed.

More onerous (ha) to parish priests

tendering, regarding and administering last rites

aforementioned \"fake\" dead serious claim,

one little known prevaricator doth attest

(nip pulling excess milk of human kindness)

faux (pas and mine late ma)

gaming altruism confessed

dirty deeds done dirt cheap

hypothetically earning devout resuscitator

invoking divine intervention

upon impious hackneyed poetaster brownie points.

Now fur heal, aye really gotta

get get something off me chest

flagrant exaggerated golden opportunity analogous,

videre licet his achievements or service to country


warrants life experiences to entail electronic knighthood,

and/or his female counterpart secularly baptized

bitta bing bitta bang fiber optically blessed

communication courtesy poetry offers level best

modality as ye will subsequently attest.


Here, now be my (virtual and/ augmented) guest

to experience former don requisite paraphernalia

quite sophisticated electronics even average

Luddite would be impressed

i.e. headsets loaded with gyroscopes and other

sensors to track movements and similar

accouterments for latter lest

please take swig and/or slug at my behest,

yours truly boasts nutritious 100% vegan zest,

oh... afterwards use greensleeve (mine), I jest

to wipe tell tale residue (i.e. milk mustache)

off your mug that gulped

farce syrup passing electric kool aid acid taste test.


Earlier today (April 18th, 2020)

a novel notion came into mine pate

to craft poem regarding titled subject

i.e. fyi Google Califia Farms

satisfactorily to investigate


or visit https://www.califiafarms.com/ to satiate

curiosity a boot plant based healthy drink to locate

nearest purveyor, an

immediate convert ye will become

preaching the gospel gushing enthusiasm will not abate

subsequently yours truly

able, eager, ready and willing to debate.