
Emmaus Enlightening

Tune: St Fulbert

(\'Ye choirs of new Jerusalem\')

Luke 24 v.26-35 parts


Jesus on the Emmaus road

To two disciples showed

His risen self, and did explain

And made the Scriptures plain


Made them plain, saying, Ought Christ not

To have suffered, His lot

To be, and so enter glory?

Which His forever be


He went in to stay with them there

That night and with them share

Bread, and then they did recognise

Him with their opened eyes


Then He did vanish, they did say

Our hearts did burn this day

For He did meet us, to us talk

On our Emmaus walk


Then to Jerusalem again

They returned there and then

Seven and a half miles each way

Fifteen miles walked that day


They said, The Lord is risen, true

We saw Him, did Him view

We knew Him in breaking of bread

By Him we ever fed