While tragedies are sung nightly and the obituaries read quite leisurely,
I am eating or drinking coffee or just laying dully relaxed.
Then how everything changes!
When I apologize to Hope for holding her back from those who quietly despair
Wrapped in their sorrows under a heavy blanket.
When I apologize to Necessity for not providing for her when she called on me.
When I apologize to Happiness for feasting on milk and honey with bread,
While others mire in weeping and wailing under the oppressing unforgiving hunger.
When I apologize to the needy for thinking their plight\'s a news report happening elsewhere.
When I apologize to Time for squandering her like water through my fingers.
When I apologize to Syria, I did forget you while caught up in my own selfishness.
Forgive me, for the wounds I caused you with my indifference.
When I apologize to Heaven for condemning them to the dark abyss of war.
When I apologize to Thirst for not rushing with water & sharing it with parched lips.
Then how everything changes when I apologize!