scarlet poet

my everything


I hear His calming whisper,

“No matter what dragon you have to slay,

I’ll be your knight in shining armor

To help you along the way.”

Pierced hands,

I feel His soft touch.

I cry at the sound of His loving voice.

Giving me a warm hug, he says,

“Don’t cry. My child, I’m here now.”

Softly prompting me to do the right thing.


I trust Him so much somehow.

Praying for the first time,

Honestly in a long time,

I know I do have faith in Him.

I know He is real and He is there.


I wish I would’ve known sooner.

You know what they always say,

Sooner rather than later.

My last trial opened my lies.

I found the answer I needed most.


Tears rolling from my eyes,

But I know He is there to wipe them.

He saved me from my own fear.

He helped me escape something

I never thought I could.

I will never be able to thank Him enough.


He is my Savior.

He is my king.

He is my brother.

He is my friend.


Sometimes, it’s hard to feel the light.

I feel Satan’s wrath.

I don’t know how to help myself.

I fall away from the path.

Never knowing how to go back.

But I know, no matter what,

He is there.

I may not see Him,

But it’s because He’s carrying me.


Whenever I see a cherry blossom,

Or even a buzzing bee,

I think of Him.

Not only did He create the world,

The beautiful things too,

He created me.

And I am beautiful too.


If I make a wrong choice,

There is always hope for tomorrow.

The fact that He’s there makes me rejoice.

I trust Him with my life.

He sacrificed Himself for me,

Why wouldn’t I?

Life is the lock, He’s my key.

He unlocks knowledge to me.

He unlocks blessings to me.

He unlocks revelation to me.

He unlocks love and hope to me.

I pray He’s always there for me.

Even if I can’t feel Him,

It’s because He’s watching from afar.

The hardest thing for Him by far,

Taking in the pain

Just so I can be happy.