
Ghost Cooks.

I am in trouble now,

Oh boy am I in trouble!

Its not really my fault,

The ingredients just seem to fall,

To fall out of the cupboard.

And just because the amounts that fell

Were the weight to create them

It had to be done.

The mixture was made,

I didn’t mean to do it,


They were flattened

And then cut.

The oven seemed to come on alone,

Was it those ghosts again

Forcing me,

Forcing me to create them?

Into the oven they went

And cooked,

Cooked to perfection.

They looked wonderful.

Then came the problem,

Were they OK,

Ok to share with others?

I tasted one,

I had found heaven,

Or was it hell?

As I had to try another

Just to be sure.

And that is my undoing,

They are so delightful

That I will eat them,

And my waist will get bigger,

That is the problem

When they get made.

It is nothing to do with me,

It is not my fault

That they are so good,

It is not my fault,


It was the ghosts

Baking shortbread,
