
The Most Important Ride

The training wheels were removed before I was ready,

I began confidently peddling down a long narrow path that was rocky, yet still, I luckily remained steady.

I used my breaks too often, in fear I may fall down

I have had one too many scares the more I slowed, so breaking was keeping me from becoming a letdown.

I had received good feedback, \"Keep peddling, you\'re almost there!\"

but every time I stopped to look around all I could smell was fear in the air.

I became intolerable for myself to handle on this long ride,

what if I never figure out where I am? I am lost without a guide.

As soon as I start to peddle fast again, 

The smell is quite different, it wreaks of beauty and it washes away my pain.

I still have not made it to the place I want to be,

but the reward isn\'t making it to my goaled destination, it\'s breathing in the fulfillment of being happily free.