Day thirty-six into
The quarantine. Faulty
Assumptions I know on
My part. You clearly, You\'re
Not here Lord. Or would You
Really leave me like this?
Intentionally dry?
Look, He\'s God, OK. He
Could be equally present
With me as I watch on
My living room TV
As on the altar in
The church, right? I mean He
Could because He\'s God. Or
Does human thought constrain
Our Lord, hold our Lord hostage,
Point us where He is or
Isn\'t present? I’ve even
Heard someone say that our
Lord suffers being trampled
Upon. Apparently
Trapped in a crumb of the
Eucharist, He falls to
The floor as a result
Of the Church allowing
The faithful to receive
Him in their hands during
Mass. Really? As if it\'s
Irreverent to believe
That our Lord is not to
Be consigned by fate to
Reside left in a crumb.
Infinitely intelligent
And omnipresent and
Omniscient – yet to remain
In a crumb? A prisoner
Of a crumb? Afterall,
A crumb is a crumb, not a Crumb.
Likely, unacceptable
Lord. Perhaps of greater
Wonder would be to question
The unintentionally
Displaced Eucharistic
Particle. When does it
Stop being the Body
Of our Lord? I\'d speculate
That it would be nearly
The Lord who speaks matter
Into existence, dare
I say, would not be held
An inmate to substance
No longer signifying
Graces of the sacrament.
Is it erroneous
For me to believe
Christ on the TV screen,
Because He\'s Christ, is just
As present here in my
Living room as Christ IS
In the Eucharist on
The altar of our church,
When I\'m sitting in the
Pew just ten feet away?
Yet this longing in my
Heart goes unsatisfied.
Gary Edward Geraci