The country was turbulent on TV,
but not in Iowa
The ‘Times Were A Changing’ for most to see,
but not in Iowa
There was more to sound than snippets or bites,
back then in Iowa
Each voice was heard when spoken and free,
back then in Iowa
The kindling burned in most other states,
but not in Iowa
Ideals were being traded, their price was blood,
but not in Iowa
The generations still talked and listened together,
back then in Iowa
The world made more sense away from the madness
—back then in Iowa
(Dennison Iowa: June, 1980)
Liner Note
Whisking away tomorrow in a velvety breath
—to write once more
(Dreamsleep: April, 2020)
Nearer Than Far
treading water
—the sound of the falls
(Dreamsleep: April, 2020)