
I Know More About Love After the Fact

I\'m glad that our differences over took us

we let those two years swallow us up whole like

like the stormy sea does a voyaging ship

like it we were not meant to discover

what we could have been.


Glad that our childhoods shaped us into two

completely different trees

we had no way of knowing what the other might see.

However I am happy I took the time to run your leaves through mine

I found that maple trees are far to sweet for me.


Let me say this

I\'m so very happy our words stopped coming out cohesive

we turned into clogged typewriters trying to write over our wrongs

and it hurt to press the buttons that strongly


I\'m glad you handed back all of my things 

and walked away

I was not strong enough to do it alone


I\'m glad I figured out that my beginning and my end don\'t need to be the same

stories aren\'t circular

I don\'t have to come back around to you in the end.


So I\'m glad you gave me my first kiss

but I find peace in knowing you can\'t be my last

glad I knew every curve of your body every freckle on your face

but also ecstatic I have trouble remembering all of you now.